On Things Being Born in the Dark

Hey everyone,

It’s been a week since Lot 94 opened its doors. I just wanted to take  the time to thank you for visiting the gallery. We’ve had over 1,500+ visitors since the first exhibit was unveiled and that’s a great starting point for what we want this place to become.

I hope in time the gallery becomes a destination spot for my fellow appreciators of the horrific, the unnerving, and the eerie.

I just wanted to give some updates quickly before I turn to focus on the next batch of stories:

  • We had several requests come in for more portable versions of our exhibit. While the exhibit is intended to be viewed within Lot 94 itself, we understand the need for convenience. To that end, you can own the first exhibition on Kindle or PDF.

  • The next batch of stories are largely ‘done’ in the sense that I have rough drafts written for most of them. I still need to do second and third drafts, and secure art and editing for them. The current timeline has the next exhibition going live summer 2025. I will let you all know if that window changes. 

    • As a teaser, the next exhibition will be much more…splatterhouse-focused than the melancholy, interdimensional explorations of Exhibition #1.

  • If you’ve enjoyed these stories and want to help support Lot 94, the best thing you can do is share on social networks, share with your friends, tell everyone you know to come on down to Lot 94.

    • If you really want to go the extra mile, you can always donate to the gallery’s Ko-fi, which will help fund art and upkeep for the coming years.

I’ll end things by saying thanks again to our first week’s visitors. We’re really excited to expand the gallery with more tales and beautiful art from guest illustrators in the future. We’ll see you in 2025.

Also, please, as you depart, beware the Curator. He’s been known to feast on the occasional absent-minded guest.

Javy & The Management